Let’s go virtual!

Dive even deeper into the virtual world with the upcoming CarMaker release 13 – using the new Movie NX-virtual-reality (VR) interface! To begin with, two headset models will be supported: HTC VIVE Cosmos Elite and Meta Quest Pro.

The VR functionality in CarMaker significantly increases the immersive effect and provides an even better and more realistic experience in the driving simulator. Screens which limit or interrupt the image are no longer needed. The user sits in one of the five available seats in the vehicle and uses the VR headset to take a look around the 360° environment during the simulation. Coupling with the Cockpit Package even allows the user in the driver’s seat to autonomously steer and use the pedals.

Function tests and risk analyses can thus be executed with the highest efficiency and precision in a very realistic environment. Being immersed into the virtual environment promotes a sense of distance and 3D perception inside and outside the vehicle, including the driver’s field of vision at the rear. This also provides new possibilities to test the efficacy of different functions in the field of ADAS/AV, for example regarding the interaction of pedestrians and autonomous vehicles.

[Translate to Français:] Let’s go virtual!

[Translate to Français:] Die neue Movie NX-Virtual-Reality-Schnittstelle in CarMaker Release 13 erlaubt eine noch bessere und realistischere Erfahrung auf dem Fahrsimulator.